The CST-01: The World’s Thinnest Watch Makes Its Debut

The fight that was going on to make the world’s thinnest watch has finally ended.  At least for now. Central Standard Timing has partnered with E Ink to create the CST-01; purportedly the world’s thinnest watch.

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The device, which was announced with an array of other devices at CES 2013, is the world’s thinnest watch. At 0.80mm the watch is thinner than a credit card. Eric Franklin of CNET got the chance to hold this watch at CES which he said it extremely light and the thinnest he had ever seen.


According to Central Standard Timing, the patent-pending CST-01 is assembled by laminating thin, flexible components into a 0.5mm pocket etched into a single piece of flexible stainless steel. This is different from traditional digital watches, which typically use the same chassis used for analog watches.

The CST-01 charges in 10 minutes and lasts for an entire month on a single charge.  The idea for the CST-01 began in December 2011 when Dave Vondle, one of the founders of Central Standard Timing, taped an E Ink display around his wrist and said, “I want a watch like this.”


The CST-01 charges in 10 minutes and lasts for an entire month on a single charge.

The CST-01 also uses an embedded Thinergy Micro-Energy Cell that charges in 10 minutes from an external dock and has a lifetime of 15 years. All CST-01 watches are planned to be assembled in the USA.

The CST-01 is available on Kickstarter. Preorders start at $129 and the device is expected to ship in the second quarter of this year.

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